Bumblebee Movie Review: From Rad to Meh

by | Last updated Jul 1, 2019 | 0 comments

Bumblebee Movie Review

In today’s post we’re going to dive into Bumblebee with my Bumblebee movie review!

Just so you are aware, all my movie reviews are spoiler free. You are going to get my honest reactions to Bumblebee without reading anything that will ruin your moviegoing experience.

In this post you will learn about the amazing special effects, good acting, why you will feel let down and story that is simply meh.

So if you are wondering if Bumblebee is worth seeing in theaters or purchasing, you will love this review.

Let’s get right into my Bumblebee movie review.

First Impressions

Well, they did it again.

More than any other movie franchise, the Transformers movies give you just a little more to say, “Look, it’s so much better than the last one!” and then they take it all back by the end of the movie and say, “Thanks, sucker!”

I will say that Bumblebee is better than the last 2 Transformer movies. However, I still wouldn’t call it a great movie.

As my friend that watched the movie with me said, “We got bamboozled!”

Better But Still the Same

Bumblebee is used as a relaunch of the series and is the first movie not directed by Michael Bay.

The movie starts off with some great Transformers action on Cybertron, with the heroes and villains looking better than ever. So much so, that in the first 10 minutes of the movie I thought they had solved the riddle and were going to make one of the best movies of the year.

Maybe it’s the nostalgia I was feeling, but the Transformers looked amazing and the action was incredible.

Then the movie moves to Earth and everything kind of just falls flat. This in no way is at the fault of the actors, who I feel did the best they could.

The story just isn’t what those of us who grew up in the 80s adoring the Transformers can really get excited about.

Bumblebee movie review
Hailee Steinfeld as Charlie and Bumblebee

Hailee Steinfeld as Charlie was fantastic, and I feel she is going to have a bright future.

If the Transformers are not going to be the focus of the movie, she’s the one to carry the weight for sure. Steinfeld’s character is by far the most fleshed out and you definitely feel her struggles.

I love me some John Cena, however, his Agent Burns character just didn’t seem right. John Cena has a lot of charisma and the writers just didn’t allow for it in this movie.

He also pulls a 180 at the end of the film that did not feel properly set up. I get the move, but it needed a couple extra beats in there to get the audience to believe it.

Where it Went Wrong

It just seems like the storytellers are more interested in semi-cheesy semi-lame special effects extravaganza. They try so hard to add a lot of human characters and fill them with all these emotions that end up taking away from the movie instead of giving to it.

People go to see the Transformers, not people trying to work out their issues with a side of Transformers. What they are missing is that they are really just sidelining the main attraction in these movies.

They have switched around the formula that made the show great as a cartoon. The Transformers carried the cartoons. They were able to display the emotions and morality to their actions and the human characters added to that by being a conscience and broadening their views.

Now it’s the other way around and I’m afraid for fans that’s just not what they want to see.

Bumblebee movie review
Bumblebee sitting down wondering where it all went wrong

Let the Transformers carry the weight of these movies and use the human characters to add complexity, morality and incentives to the story. In summary, Bumblebee made the Transformers characters look fantastic, the special effects are great (as usual) and the story is meh.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Bumblebee made the Transformers characters look fantastic, the special effects are great (as usual) and the story is meh. The movie had the potential to be so much better, but ends up being just okay.

I recommend waiting until the movie comes out on HBO or whatever streaming service they go to. Or be like me and go see Bumblebee and leave the film feeling they fell short and really missed a great opportunity to relaunch the franchise.

Now I’d Like to Hear from You

I hope you enjoyed my Bumblebee movie review.

Now I would like to hear from you.

What were your thoughts on Bumblebee?

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Bumblebee Movie Review

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