10 Essential Tips for Female Solo Travelers

by | Last updated Feb 8, 2020 | 2 comments

tips for female solo travelers Jemima Skelley

Jemima Skelley is a freelance travel and lifestyle writer from Australia and female solo travel expert. Tips and advice for solo female travelers is an important topic that I cannot adequately cover on my own. So I reached out to an expert to have her share her wisdom.

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In today’s post we’re going to find out the top tips for female solo travelers from travel expert Jemima Skelley.

Jemima Skelley is an Australian freelance travel writer whose work has appeared in several top media sites, such as BuzzFeed, NewsCorp, SBS Australia, Whimn, and Hostelworld.

In this post you will learn about planning for trips, safety tips, advice for meeting people, solo travel tips, and must-bring essentials for female solo travelers.

These are all things Jemima does and brings for every trip she takes and is sharing them here for other solo female travelers.

Let’s get right into my interview with Jemima Skelley about the best tips for female solo travelers!

Introducing Jemima Skelley

During my most recent 35-day trip to Europe I had almost everything semi-planned out. However, I did leave 2 separate 1-week gaps with nothing planned.

For 1 of the weeks I spontaneously decided I was going to go to Poland before heading to Switzerland. That turned out to be an awesome choice. Poland is amazing and I had so much fun.

However, one standout highlight was meeting the incredible Jemima Skelley at my hostel in Gdańsk.

Jemima and I shared the same room with a couple other randos at the hostel. As I’ve stated before, hostels are a great place to meet people when you’re traveling solo.

Jemima is an Australian travel writer currently on a 9-month solo trip through Europe and the US.

Solo traveling is a passion of mine and was totally jealous of her super-long holiday.

We had a great time together. We had ice cream in the cold (a favorite treat of mine), saw the changing of the guard for the Polish Constitution Day and she took me to the rad cafĂ© where they were playing The Whitest Boy Alive (as mentioned in my Visiting Europe Playlist).

What really interested me were her experiences as a solo female traveler. As a guy, my knowledge of solo female travel is exactly naught.

This is a very important topic and I wanted to bring in a pro to provide some tips and advice. I asked if I could interview her for my readers and she gladly accepted.

best tips for female solo travelers. Helpful tips and recommendations for safety and travel for women traveling alone

Scott: What have been your favorite travel destinations?

Jemima: Oh, this is like asking me to choose a favorite child! There are so many different places I love, for so many different reasons.

On this trip, my favorite stop has been Slovakia. I had no idea what to expect, and I was overwhelmed by its beauty. I spent a week in the mountains, hiking and relaxing.

Also I loved Budapest, for completely different reasons – it’s an amazing party city, full of energy and has so many opportunities.

How do you choose which countries and cities to travel to? How much of this do you plan before you begin your trip?

Normally, I’m such a planner. I like to have everything set out and booked, but on this trip, I’m trying to be more fluid and free.

I think not having a plan opens me up to more experiences – when someone wants to meet somewhere or travel together, I’m always free to do so.

That being said, I do have a list of places that I want to hit on my trip. Mainly they’re places I’ve seen on Instagram, or destinations that have been recommended to me.

I always research a country or city before I leave, on RedditPinterest, and in Facebook groups, to decide on where I want to go and what I want to see.

Check out my list of the Essential Backpacking Gear for Europe!

What steps do you take before leaving on a holiday?

Number one is always travel insurance. When I was younger, I never got it, thinking it was a waste of money.

But I’ve had friends break bones or get sick overseas and having insurance saved them literally THOUSANDS of dollars. It’s always, always worth it.

I also take a scan/photo of my passport, ID, credit cards, and other documents, and then email them to myself and also my mum or someone else back home. It’s good to have a digital copy. 

What are your top travel tips or hacks for a female traveling solo for the first time?

The number one thing is to not be afraid.

I get a bit self-conscious when I’m on my own and feel like sometimes it’s easier to just sit alone and not meet anyone. But there are so many other solo travelers out there, I promise you that everyone you meet will be keen for a chat and a hang.

Just remember that everyone is in the same boat and everyone is a little nervous about chatting with strangers.

If you’re worried about being a female on your own – I would say to definitely book into female-only dorms. 

READ MORE: The 21 Best Travel Apps You’re Not Using (But Should)

What is your favorite aspect of solo travel?

I love the flexibility – I can do WHATEVER I want, and no one can tell me otherwise.

If I like a place, I can stay for a week. If I don’t feel like doing anything on one day, I can easily just chill at my hostel.

But when you’re travelling, you’re never alone.

It’s so easy to strike up a conversation in a hostel common room or on a walking tour. I meet so many more people while travelling solo than when I’m with other people.

Read about My Experience Traveling Solo Internationally for the First Time!

What safety tips do you have for female travelers on their own?

I always let people know where I am and where I’m going.

If I plan to go out for the night, I’ll send a message to my friends back home saying where I’m going and who with.

Same if I ever get in a taxi or Uber, I’ll send a screenshot of the car or a photo of the taxi number to someone, and I let the driver see that I’m doing this.

Definitely get a SIM card – even if you just put the minimal amount of data on it and keep it on airplane mode the whole time, it’s good to know you have internet in your pocket if you really need it (for instance, if you’re drunk and trying to make your way home at 3am).

If you’re going out, chat with the staff at your hostel – make sure you’re not accidentally heading into the sketchy area of town.

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What are your top tips on meeting people when traveling?

Jemima Skelley and Scott Morrison in Gdańsk
Jemima and I at our hostel in Gdańsk, Poland.

I try to stay in hostels that seem to be really social – read the reviews on Hostelworld, see if they have organized things like group dinners or pub crawls. That’s a surefire way to meet people.

I also love doing walking tours in cities. It’s easy to chat with the other people on the tour, and then when it’s done, go out for a meal or coffee.

I’m also a member of a couple of Facebook groups for women who love travelling (such as Girls Love Travel), where you can find locals or other girls travelling near you.

READ MORE: My Ultimate Guide on How to Meet People and Make Friends Traveling Solo!

How do you go about finding time to get work done while traveling?

I’m travelling for about 9 months, so I have a lot of time. I’ll usually stay in one place for a while.

The first few days I like to sightsee and explore, but then I have a few days of downtime when I can set aside time to work.

I like to find a nice cafe with Wi-Fi and settle in for a few hours. 

READ MORE: Top Tips for Solo Female Travel Safety

What indulgences do you allow yourself when traveling?

I’m trying to stick to a tight budget while travelling, so I’m not indulging too much!

If I’m staying at a hostel with free breakfast, I’ll usually have a big meal in the morning, snack for lunch, then go out for dinner with the money I’ve saved. It’s a good way to try local food without blowing my budget.

I always try local restaurants and iconic dishes while travelling – I love food and it’s one of my favorite parts of visiting different cities.

I also love going to the gym, so once a week I’ll buy a day pass to a local gym where ever I am.

READ MORE: The Ultimate Packing List for Europe!

Finally, what are your favorite items you always bring traveling with you?

There are a few things that are easy to forget but are essentials – a padlockflip flops for the shower, nail clippers, earplugs (why do so many people snore in hostels?!), an eye mask, and a raincoat.

I invested in an eReader before leaving which has been great, it takes up so much less space than a book.

I also brought a couple of empty sandwich bags and a Tupperware container for making food at the hostel and taking it on the go.

Oh, and a metal straw! It comes everywhere with me.

READ MORE: Find Out the Best Things to Pack in Your Carry-on!

Now I’d Like to Hear from You

I hope you enjoyed my interview with Jemima Skelley on her top tips for female solo travelers.

Now I would like to hear from you.

What did you think of my interview with Jemima?

What were your thoughts on her tips for solo female travelers?

Is there anything you think she left out?

Let me know by leaving a quick comment below!

Jemima Skelley is a freelance travel and lifestyle writer from Australia, whose work has appeared on BuzzFeed, NewsCorp, SBS Australia, Whimn, and Hostelworld. She’s currently eating and drinking her way around Europe while sharing her tips and tricks for other female solo travelers on a budget. You can follow her on her blog, and watch her videos on YouTube. She’s also on Instagram at @jemimaskelley.

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best tips for female solo travelers. Helpful tips and recommendations for safety and travel for women traveling alone

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  1. Eric Gamble

    These are great tips for female solo travelers or really any traveler from Jemima. I personally Love UBER for travelling whether solo or with Darcee. That way I can know where is my destination is and not feel scammed + uber allows me to post up my route and location on social sites too.
    Also, love the hostel idea. Even as Gen X travelers and a soon to be married couple, Darcee & I love staying or at least visiting hostels. Even if you don’t stay there, often there is a bar inside that is open to the public so a great way to meet others. Plus most hostels offer really good and cheap tours in groups so that way you can meet other people too and discover your city in a safe manner.

    • Scott

      Thanks! I agree, using Uber is great. I use it a lot when I’m abroad. Hostels are great for meeting people and finding some budget things to do when you’re traveling. Also, for couples like you, you can also get a private room that is typically cheaper than most hotels.


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